Engineering Bookshelf

Instrumentation Engineering Books
Book Cover: Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering

Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering

by by Roman Malaric

Publisher: Brown Walker Press
ISBN: 1612335004

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Book Description

The inclusion of an electrical measurement course in the undergraduate curriculum of electrical engineering is important in forming the technical and scientific knowledge of future electrical engineers.

This book explains the basic measurement techniques, instruments, and methods used in everyday practice. It covers in detail both analogue and digital instruments, measurements errors and uncertainty, instrument transformers, bridges, amplifiers, oscilloscopes, data acquisition, sensors, instrument controls and measurement systems. The reader will learn how to apply the most appropriate measurement method and instrument for a particular application, and how to assemble the measurement system from physical quantity to the digital data in a computer.

The book is primarily intended to cover all necessary topics of instrumentation and measurement for students of electrical engineering, but can also serve as a reference for engineers and practitioners to expand or refresh their knowledge in this field.

About the Author

Roman Malaric was born in February, 1971, in Zagreb, Croatia. He received the B. S. Degree from University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1994 in the field of radio communications. He earned M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the same university, in 1996 and 2001 respectively. In 2004 he become assistant professor at Zagreb University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of EE Basics and Measurement, where his primary interest is development of precise measurement methods for electrical quantities, and the automatization of measurement methods by computers and virtual instrumentation. In 2008 he become the associate professor at the same Faculty. He is involved with the Primary Electromagnetic Laboratory of Croatia, and has contributed to the accreditation ot the laboratory by the DKD in 2005. He has written more than 50 scientific articles in conferences, along with 20 articles published in the scientific journals. He has been member of organizing comittees of several IMEKO scientific conferences and symposiums. He is a member of IEEE and its technical comittees and has served as a reviewer for IEEE Transcations of I&M for several years.

Customer Reviews

Very good book
By Bill

The book is very detailed and excellently written. Very informative and easy to understand. I recommend his book to the novice and professional.