Pass your wastewater certification exam the first time! This study guide is is specially developed to give wastewater operators practice answering questions that are similar in format and content to the questions that appear on certification exams.
Sample questions are provided for Classes I, II, III, and IV wastewater operator certification exams, so you can study the questions that are specific to your grade level. Answers and references are included for questions. Math questions include the method to solve.
This is a very thorough set of practice questions - all multiple choice - with a separate section giving answers and sources of reference for each group of questions. The book is 273 pages long, spiral bound, and includes 4 grade-level sections of questions, a section on pumping questions, a section of operator math with solutions, and in the appendices are a summary of wastewater treatment equations and a host of wastewater flowchart diagrams. An extremely thorough self study guide to accompany any number of texts on the subject. The author also includes a fairly extensive reference list that a user could access to learn the material from in the first place.
If you are are preparing for state exams this is a must have book. It gives you about a million practice questions. It breaks things down by skill levels. The solutions for the math questions are great.