Step-by-step procedures for planning, design, construction and operation:
Wastewater treatment plants should be designed so that the effluent standards and reuse objectives, and biosolids regulations can be met with reasonable ease and cost. The design should incorporate flexibility for dealing with seasonal changes, as well as long-term changes in wastewater quality and future regulations. Good planning and design, therefore, must be based on five major steps:
Engineers, scientists, and financial analysts must utilize principles from a wide range of disciplines: engineering, chemistry, microbiology, geology, architecture, and economics to carry out the responsibilities of designing a wastewater treatment plant. The objective of this book is to present the technical and nontechnical issues that are most commonly addressed in the planning and design reports for wastewater treatment facilities prepared by practicing engineers. Topics discussed include facility planning, process description, process selection logic, mass balance calculations, design calculations, and concepts for equipment sizing.
Theory, design, operation and maintenance, trouble shooting, equipment selection and specifications are integrated for each treatment process. Thus delineation of such information for use by students and practicing engineers is the main purpose of this book.
Very good as a general overview on wastewater treatment systems. But contains very little on newer innovations such as Rotating Biological Contractors and focuses more on older technologies such as the activated sludge process.
This book is explained very clearly on how to design the WWTP. Especially, it is only book in the world that shows the design examples of the biological nutrient removal treatment processes. All design calculations are shown in every step that necessary for real design.