Engineering Bookshelf

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Book
Book Cover: Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS

Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS

by Saeed Moaveni

Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131890808

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Book Description

While many authors cover the theory of finite element modeling, this is the only book available that incorporates ANSYS as an integral part of its content. Moaveni presents the theory of finite element analysis, explores its application as a design/modeling tool, and explains in detail how to use ANSYS intelligently and effectively. Now uses Excel in solving simple finite element problems. Adds a significant number of new problems. Incorporates the latest version of ANSYS throughout. A useful reference for mechanical, civil and environmental engineers.

Customer Reviews

Not bad to learn about FEA conceptually
By Sam

The one thing to remember about this book is that it is mostly concepts about how finite element analysis works and math that goes on in the FEA software that you might use as an engineer. In addition to that, every chapter has an example problem or two at the end that goes through a step-by-step way to analyze certain objects in ANSYS, whether the analysis is for stress, temperature variation, nodal displacements, etc. The only issue that one might have with this book is that due to it being rather old, it refers to an older version of ANSYS and therefore if you use this book with a newer version of ANSYS the step-by-step instructions may not match up exactly. Also keep in mind that the example problems are simple one that have the user generate the parts in ANSYS; I don't think there is any help in this book about how to import a computer model from some other software and analyze it using ANSYS Workbench.

Good Intro
By Michael L. Fraguada

This is a good book for the basics in the FE method. It does teach how to use Ansys as well but of course having a tutorial dedicated to the program itself is always a better option. If an introduction is what you need then this book is for you, if not there are many titles out dedicated to this topic though I really recommend this book to anyone trying to learn on their own.