Developed from the author’s graduate-level course on advanced mechanics of composite materials, Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials with Abaqus™ shows how powerful finite element tools address practical problems in the structural analysis of composites. Unlike other texts, this one takes the theory to a hands-on level by actually solving problems. It explains the concepts involved in the detailed analysis of composites, the mechanics needed to translate those concepts into a mathematical representation of the physical reality, and the solution of the resulting boundary value problems using the commercial finite element analysis software Abaqus.
The first seven chapters provide material ideal for a one-semester course. Along with offering an introduction to finite element analysis for readers without prior knowledge of the finite element method (FEM), these chapters cover the elasticity and strength of laminates, buckling analysis, free edge stresses, computational micromechanics, and viscoelastic models and composites. Emphasizing hereditary phenomena, the book goes on to discuss continuum and discrete damage mechanics as well as delaminations.
More than 50 fully developed examples are interspersed with the theory, more than 75 exercises are included at the end of each chapter, and more than 50 separate pieces of Abaqus pseudocode illustrate the solution of example problems. The author’s website offers the relevant Abaqus and MATLAB® model files available for download, enabling readers to easily reproduce the examples and complete the exercises. The text also shows readers how to extend the capabilities of Abaqus via "user subroutines" and Python scripting.
"In my opinion, the book is very well written; it is easy to follow and includes topics that students, engineers, and researchers from different fields can find very interesting and useful. The examples are very well detailed and provide valuable guidance on how to implement and understand theoretical solutions when translated into finite element models of composite materials and structures. Overall, this is a great book if the reader is looking for a comprehensive treatment of composite materials covering detailed theoretical background followed by implementation of the concepts into practical problems using a powerful modeling tool such as Abaqus." - Eduardo M. Sosa, West Virginia University
"The book is essential for any academic in the area of solid mechanics. I use this book with my students, as the subject and the materials are very clear and finite element codes in the book help their work progress and make my guidance more productive. It has both theory and applications using the finite element method. This book is also essential for composite engineers as a quick reference of topics that can be of use in their field." - Gasser Abdelal, Queen’s University Belfast
"I will definitely adopt this text for my course. … The use of Abaqus-based examples for the reinforcement of the theory and concepts allows students to learn how to apply the concepts using a popular finite element package that will provide each student with a marketable skill that is in demand by industry. The text has a good mix of finite element theory and composite material concepts that are reinforced through the example problems. The Abaqus examples are well organized and present the basic working knowledge in the use of Abaqus/CAE for the preprocessing, analysis in the solver, and the subsequent postprocessing." - James A. Sherwood, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Arrived fast and in a very well condition. The book covers its title. ABAQUS chapters are a bit advanced level. You might need a basic ABAQUS book first.
Very well written and helpful for me. I needed a sort of "guide" to model and analyze Composite products. I found very practical information inside. Just the minimum of theory you need to go ahead with the lecture. A lot of useful examples. Dr. barbero pick your hand and lead you to the capability of using Abaqus for your composite analysis. That is what you are looking for if you buy this excellent book. I am waiting the next Barbero's book (Composite using Ansys) ;)