The long-awaited second edition of Fundamentals of Software Engineering presents the fundamental principles of software engineering and illustrates the application of those principles in the different phases of software development. It stresses the importance of a rigorous approach to the practice of software engineering. Over 350 exercises are provided to aid in the comprehension of the material. Over 20 in-depth case studies show how to deal with the intricacies of real-world problems.
This second edition maintains the successful structure of the first edition and enhances the contents by adding treatment of recent developments in software engineering.
New coverage to this edition includes:
Carlo Ghezzi is a professor of computer science at the Politecnico di Milano, where he holds the chair of software engineering. He was named a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in 2000 for his contributions to software engineering research.
Mehdi Jazayeri is a professor of computer science at the Technische Universität Wien, where he holds the chair of distributed systems. He spent many years in software development at several Silicon Valley companies, including 10 years at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA.
Dino Mandrioli is a professor of computer science at the Politecnico di Milano, where he holds the chair of theoretical computer science. His research interests are centered on the application of formal methods in the practice of software engineering.
This book is an introduction to software engineering. It's an excellent book because it's a trade off between many things:
being comprehensive
being up to date
giving you the correct background and fundamental principles, on which every new trend is based
being short enough so students don't complain too much.
If you are a student you'll probably like it. If you are a professional that wants to self-learn software engineering, I would suggest instead "software engineering" of Ian Sommerville, ISBN 0137035152, that is constantly updated with the new trends. Ghezzi's book tends to give a more traditional view of the field.
The informations you receive from Ghezzi's book will probably be valid until the next decade; however, it's not a book for "a la mode" guys who like to follow the trends of the moment.
I bought my first copy of this text in 1992 and it has been my constant companion and mentor ever since. From my early Pascal days in college to J2EE development in present times, I have always found the authors' treatment of the discipline of software engineering to be concise, accurate and relevant to the issues at hand. It is one of those books that code shovellers uncompromising publication that addresses serious process issues such as requirements specification, rigour, interface design and modularity, and robustness. These matters just refuse to go away, and the authors of this book know it. This book is timeless.