Engineering Bookshelf

Transport Phenomena Books
Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations: A Combined Approach

Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations: A Combined Approach

by Richard G. Griskey

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471438197

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A practical, interdisciplinary guide for undergraduate students of chemical engineering.

The subject of transport phenomena has long been thoroughly and expertly addressed on the graduate and theoretical levels. Now Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations: A Combined Approach endeavors not only to introduce the fundamentals of the discipline to a broader, undergraduate-level audience but also to apply itself to the concerns of practicing engineers as they design, analyze, and construct industrial equipment.

Richard Griskey’s innovative text combines the often separated but intimately related disciplines of transport phenomena and unit operations into one cohesive treatment. While the latter was an academic precursor to the former, undergraduate students are often exposed to one at the expense of the other. Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations bridges the gap between theory and practice, with a focus on advancing the concept of the engineer as practitioner. Chapters in this comprehensive volume include:

Each chapter contains a set of comprehensive problem sets with real-world quantitative data, affording students the opportunity to test their knowledge in practical situations. Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations is an ideal text for undergraduate engineering students as well as for engineering professionals.

Choice, Vol. 40, No. 3, November 2002

"...offers both undergraduates and practicing engineers fundamentals of transport phenomena using a broad approach."

Book Info

Endeavors not only to introduce the fundamentals of the discipline to a broader, undergraduatelevel audience but also to apply itself to the concerns of practicing engineers as they design, analyze, and construct industrial equipment.

Table of Contents

About the Author

RICHARD G. GRISKEY, PhD, PE, is Institute Professor Emeritus at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey.