by Julian C. Smith, Peter Harriott, Peter Harriot, Warren L. McCabe
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
ISBN: 0072848235
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, continues its lengthy, successful tradition of being one of McGraw-Hill's oldest texts in the Chemical Engineering Series. Since 1956, this text has been the most comprehensive of the introductory, undergraduate, chemical engineering titles available. Separate chapters are devoted to each of the principle unit operations, grouped into four sections: fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer and equilibrium stages, and operations involving particulate solids.
Now in its seventh edition, the text still contains its balanced treatment of theory and engineering practice, with many practical, illustrative examples included. Almost 30% of the problems have been revised or are new, some of which cover modern topics such as food processing and biotechnology. Other unique topics of this text include diafiltration, adsorption and membrane operations.

by John C. Slattery
Publisher: Cambridge Univ Press
ISBN: 052163203X
Transport Phenomena is a traditionally hard-subject in every curriculum related to unit operations in chemical engineering. Its difficult because of its mathematical basis, and moreover, by the lack of practical insight. The appendices and first chapters depicts the major mathematical foundations.
Separated subjects (momentum, energy and mass transfer) makes easy to the reader just getting what he needs. Focusing on problem solving, shows the way previous knowledge integrates a new approach: governing laws, math techniques, effects of geometry and scale, time dependent processes and averaging techniques. definitely, this book is an obliged read to whom really likes engineering.

by William J. Thomson
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
ISBN: 0134548280
An introduction to transport phenomena, presenting all basic principles with a minimum of mathematical complexity. Emphasis is on the formulation of differential equations to describe physical problems, helping readers understand what they are doing and why. Solutions are either simple or derivable with a differential equation solver. Coverage progresses from molecular transport through transport coefficients and macroscopic calculation issues associated with momentum, heat, and mass transfer.
Includes extensive chapter problems. Requires knowledge of basic differential equations and how to use a differential equation solver such as MATLAB. The author is professor of chemical engineering at Washington State University.

by Richard G. Griskey
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471438197
The subject of transport phenomena has long been thoroughly and expertly addressed on the graduate and theoretical levels. Now Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations: A Combined Approach endeavors not only to introduce the fundamentals of the discipline to a broader, undergraduate-level audience but also to apply itself to the concerns of practicing engineers as they design, analyze, and construct industrial equipment.
Endeavors not only to introduce the fundamentals of the discipline to a broader, undergraduatelevel audience but also to apply itself to the concerns of practicing engineers as they design, analyze, and construct industrial equipment. Each chapter contains a set of comprehensive problem sets with real-world quantitative data, affording students the opportunity to test their knowledge in practical situations. Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations is an ideal text for undergraduate engineering students as well as for engineering professionals.

by W. E. Schiesser, C. A. Silebi
Publisher: Cambridge Univ Press
ISBN: 0521556538
Provides a clear, user-oriented introduction to the subject of computational transport phenomena. Devoted to topics related to momentum, heat, or mass transport. DLC: Fluid dynamics. Computational techniques have become indispensable tools in solving complex problems in transport phenomena. This book provides a clear, user-oriented introduction to the subject of computational transport phenomena. Each self-contained chapter includes a detailed worked example and a discussion of the problem system equations.
Intended for students and a broad range of scientists and engineers, the book includes computer code written in transportable Fortran so that readers can produce the numerical solutions and then extend them to other cases.

by Laurence A. Belfiore
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471202754
Laurence Belfiore’s unique treatment meshes two mainstream subject areas in chemical engineering: transport phenomena and chemical reactor design. Expressly intended as an extension of Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot’s classic Transport Phenomena, and Froment and Bischoff’s Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Belfiore’s unprecedented text explores the synthesis of these two disciplines in a manner the upper undergraduate or graduate reader can readily grasp.
Transport Phenomena for Chemical Reactor Design approaches the design of chemical reactors from microscopic heat and mass transfer principles. It includes simultaneous consideration of kinetics and heat transfer, both critical to the performance of real chemical reactors.

by W. J. Beek, K. M. K. Muttzall, J. W. Van Heuven
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471999903
Provides an introduction to physical transport analysis including units, dimensional analysis and conservation laws, a systematic treatment of fluid flow and heat and mass transport, theoretical and semi-empirical equations and a condensed overview of practical data, and illustrative problems showing practical application.
A solid understanding of the principles of these processes is essential for chemical and process engineers. The second edition of Transport Phenomena builds on the foundation of the first edition which presented fundamental knowledge and practical application of momentum, heat and mass transfer processes in a form useful to engineers.

by Tom D. Reynolds, Paul Richards, Richards Reynolds
Publisher: Brooks/Cole Pub Co
ISBN: 0534948847
The text is written for both Civil and Environmental Engineering students enrolled in Wastewater Engineering courses, and for Chemical Engineering students enrolled in Unit Processes or Transport Phenomena courses. It is oriented toward engineering design based on fundamentals. The presentation allows the instructor to select chapters or parts of chapters in any sequence desired.

by R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470115394
Transport Phenomena has been revised to include deeper and more extensive coverage of heat transfer, enlarged discussion of dimensional analysis, a new chapter on flow of polymers, systematic discussions of convective momentum,and energy. Topics also include mass transport, momentum transport and energy transport, which are presented at three different scales: molecular, microscopic and macroscopic. If this is your first look at Transport Phenomena you'll quickly learn that its balanced introduction to the subject of transport phenomena is the foundation of its long-standing success.