Connecting fundamental principles to practical applications, William Nazaroff and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen's ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE provides a thorough and balanced introduction to water quality engineering, air quality engineering, and hazardous waste management. The text develops the scientific principles needed to understand environmental engineering, and then brings those principles to life through applications to the real-world solutions of environmental problems.
Then Put Them into Practice
Throughout, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE provides numerous opportunities to put fundamental principles into practice.
By following this approach, readers will develop solid theoretical and practical knowledge of the field that will benefit them throughout their careers.
Nazaroff and Cohen-Alvarez: Where were you when I got interested in this field a long time ago? I used to buy several texts to cover the material ccvered in this great book. It combines information from various disciplines and provides a comprehensive resource that is invaluable. It covers the basics and takes the reader-user through to applications. It is obviously a valuable resource for engineering students and faculty as well as practitioners.