by Karl B. Schnelle Jr., Charles A. Brown
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0849395887
Being, a chemical engineer, it is a pleasure to review a book written by chemical engineers who cite the literature I am familiar with, especially the early papers dealing with the theory underlining pollution control processes.
To say the least coverage of air pollution control equipment design is comprehensive. No important air pollution control technology is omitted and each topic is covered well, albeit succinctly. This book is an excellent source book for air pollution control technology and is highly recommended.

by Robert F. Phalen, Robert N. Phalen
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 0763780448
This unique textbook examines the basic health and environmental issues associated with air pollution including the relevant toxicology and epidemiology. It provides a foundation for the sampling and analysis of air pollutants as well as an understanding of international air quality regulations.
Written for upper-level undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in air pollution, the book is also a valuable desk reference for practicing professionals who need to have a broad understanding of the topic.

by John H. Seinfeld, Spyros N. Pandis
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471720186
All chapters develop results based on fundamental principles, enabling the reader to build a solid understanding of the science underlying atmospheric processes. Among the new material are three new chapters: Atmospheric Radiation and Photochemistry, General Circulation of the Atmosphere, and Global Cycles. In addition, the chapters Stratospheric Chemistry, Tropospheric Chemistry, and Organic Atmospheric Aerosols have been rewritten to reflect the latest findings.
Readers familiar with the First Edition will discover a text with new structures and new features that greatly aid learning. Many examples are set off in the text to help readers work through the application of concepts. Advanced material has been moved to appendices. Finally, many new problems, coded by degree of difficulty, have been added. A solutions manual is available.

by Kenneth Wark, Cecil F. Warner, Wayne T. Davis
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0673994163
A truly classic air pollution text, this book is suitable for a variety of engineers and scientists who wish to gain an introduction to the field of air pollution. Known for its detailed development and application of equations, the text emphasizes an understanding of the relationship between sources and control of air pollution, rather than being a simple "handbook" on the subject. The book presents information on four broad areas of interest in the air pollution field: the effects of pollutants on health and welfare; the laws and regulations that have been passed in efforts to improve air quality; the modeling of atmospheric dispersion of pollutants; the approaches to the control of emmisions (from both stationary and mobile sources).

by C. David Cooper, F. C. Alley
Publisher: Waveland Press Inc
ISBN: 157766678X
A 25-year tradition of excellence is extended in the Fourth Edition of this highly regarded text. In clear, authoritative language, the authors discuss the philosophy and procedures for the design of air pollution control systems. Their objective is twofold: to present detailed information on air pollution and its control, and to provide formal design training for engineering students.
New to this edition is a comprehensive chapter on carbon dioxide control, perhaps the most critical emerging issue in the field. Emphasis is on methods to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the technologies for carbon capture and sequestration. An expanded discussion of control technologies for coal-fired power plants includes details on the capture of NOx and mercury emissions.

by Daniel Vallero
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123736153
Fundamentals of Air Pollution is an important and widely used textbook in the environmental science and engineering community. Written shortly after the passage of the seminal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the third edition was quite timely. Surprisingly, the text has remained relevant for university professors, engineers, scientists, policy makers and students up to recent years.
However, in light of the transition in the last five years from predominantly technology-based standards (maximum achievable control technologies or MACTs) to risk-based regulations and air quality standards, the text must be updated significantly.

by Air & Waste Management Association, Wayne R. Davis
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471333336
Definitive resource for information on air pollution emission sources and the technology available to control them. The Air Pollution Engineering Manual has long been recognized as an important source of information on air pollution control issues for industries affected by the Clean Air Act and regulations in other countries.
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest emission factors and control measures for reducing air pollutants, this new edition provides industry and government professionals with the fundamental, technological, and regulatory information they need for compliance with the most recent air pollution standards.

by William W. Nazaroff, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0471144940
This book covers the fundamentals of environmental engineering and applications in water quality, air quality, and hazardous waste management. It begins by describing the fundamental principles that serve as the foundation of the entire field of environmental engineering.
Readers are then systematically reintroduced to these fundamentals in a manner that is tailored to the needs of environmental engineers, and that is not too closely tied to any specific application.

by Thad Godish
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 156670586X
Ozone-destroying chemicals, greenhouse gases, and dangerous airborne substances that were once thought to be benign are the most urgent issues facing air pollution control experts. Students need a thorough, updated reference that explores these current trends while also covering the fundamental concepts of this emerging discipline.
A new revision of a bestseller, Air Quality, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive overview air quality issues, including a better understanding of atmospheric chemistry, the effects of pollution on public health and the environment, and the technology and regulatory practices used to achieve air quality goals.

by Richard C. Flagan, John H. Seinfeld
Publisher: Dover Publications
ISBN: 0486488721
A rigorous and thorough analysis of the production of air pollutants and their control, this text is geared toward chemical and environmental engineering students.
Topics include combustion, principles of aerosol behavior, theories of the removal of particulate and gaseous pollutants from effluent streams, and air pollution control strategies. 1988 edition.

by Louis Theodore
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0470209674
This book's problem-and-solution approach enables readers to quickly grasp the fundamentals of air pollution control equipment and essential applications.
Moreover, the author sets forth solid principles for the design and selection of air pollution control equipment as well as for its efficient operation and maintenance. Readers gain a deep understanding of both the equipment itself and the many factors affecting performance.