Engineering Bookshelf

Signal Processing Books
Book Cover: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing

Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing

by Todd K. Moon, Wynn C. Stirling

Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0201361868

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Book Description

Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing tackles the challenge of providing readers and practitioners with the broad tools of mathematics employed in modern signal processing. Building from an assumed background in signals and stochastic processes, the book provides a solid foundation in analysis, linear algebra, optimization, and statistical signal processing.


Many MATLAB algorithms and examples.

A strong foundation which motivates the development of advanced concepts, removing the "mysteries" frequently encountered by users—Geometric insight is presented wherever possible.

Solid introduction to wavelets in the context of vector spaces, Including transform algorithms and basic theory.

Interesting modern topics not available in many other signal processing texts—Such as the EM algorithm, blind source separation, projection on convex sets, etc., in addition to many more conventional topics such as spectrum estimation, adaptive filtering, etc.

Review of many signal models, in time domain, frequency domain, and state space domain, showing relationships between them, and issues related to their applications.

Presents path algorithms (dynamic programming and Viterbi) with many applications.

More than one approach to some problems.

Customer Reviews

My absolute go-to book for DSP
By Adam Tarr

My undergraduate and graduate degrees both had a focus in Digital Signal Processing. Looking at my personal library, I have over 25 books that cover material that is touched on in this book. But this book is my absolute go-to. It's clear, comprehensive, and gives great references for further study.

Publisher does not provide CDROM in latest printing
By J. R. Pasek

Recently purchased this book and from reading parts of it the book is a very good source of the mathematics associated with signal processing. However the publisher in the latest printing I just received no longer provides the promised CDROM and the listed website where to obtain the MATLAB material on the CDROM is also no longer supported by the publisher. An e-mail response to my inquiry about the missing MATLAB code source from a representative of the publisher indicates that the book is too old and their is no need to provide the material anymore.

A different treatment of Signal Processing ...
By Master of Puppets

This book deals with the actual Mathematical foundations of Signal Processing algorithms that are used in a wide array of applications (like beamforming, communications, voice recognition etc..). It starts with very good introduction of Vector Spaces and Linear Algebra, and follows it with sections on Detection/Estimation Theory, Optimization Methods and Iterative/Recursive Algorithms. In my opinion, the most important feature of the book that makes it impressive is its wide coverage of topics and the different angle (mathematical rigor combined with proper explanations) at which these topics are approached. Note that this book will make more sense to an advanced student in EE rather than a beginner.