by Ganesh Raman
Publisher: Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.
ISBN: 0906522552
A comprehensive guide to the developments in the field of computational aeroacoustics a research field that deals with sound generated by unsteady flows, found in the noise generated by aircraft this book provides academic and corporate researchers with a concise overview of the field while acting as a launch pad for additional study.
With perspectives from internationally recognized experts, this study discusses topics such as noise reduction, passenger comfort, and structural integrity as well as applications to other fields, including underwater vehicles, wind turbines, and helicopter rotors.

by Thomas J. Mueller, Christopher S. Allen, William K. Blake, Robert P. Dougherty, Denis Lynch, Paul T. Soderman, James R. Underbrink
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540417575
The goal of aeroacoustic measurements is to provide a basis for assessing mechanisms of noise generation, and to develop methods of reducing noise to more acceptable levels.
However, the measurements themselves are complex, and require a deep understanding of the experimental facility utilized (such as a wind tunnel), measurement instrumentation, and data analysis techniques.

by Tarit Bose
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1461450187
Aerodynamic Noise extensively covers the theoretical basis and mathematical modeling of sound, especially the undesirable sounds produced by aircraft.
This noise could come from an aircraft's engine, propellers, fans, combustion chamber, jets or the vehicle itself, external surfaces or from sonic booms. The majority of the sound produced is due to the motion of air and its interaction with solid boundaries, and this is the main discussion of the book.

by D.G. Crighton, Ann P. Dowling, J.E. Ffowcs Williams, M.A. Heckl, F.A. Leppington
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540197370
Modern Methods in Analytical Acoustics considers topics fundamental to the understanding of noise, vibration and fluid mechanisms. The series of lectures on which this material is based began by some twenty five years ago and has been developed and expanded ever since. Acknowledged experts in the field have given this course many times in Europe and the USA.
Although the scope of the course has widened considerably, the primary aim of teaching analytical techniques of acoustics alongside specific areas of wave motion and unsteady fluid mechanisms remains. The distinguished authors of this volume are drawn from Departments of Acoustics, Engineering of Applied Mathematics in Berlin, Cambridge and London. Their intention is to reach a wider audience of all those concerned with acoustic analysis than has been able to attend the course.

by by Ganesh Raman
Publisher: Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.
ISBN: 0906522692
An up-to-date survey of airplane noise, this single-volume reference thoroughly addresses the key problems facing aeronautical engineers.
By tackling the most important aspects of jet aeroacoustics, including theories of jet noise, the design of jet noise facilities, and how jet noise is measured, this thoroughly researched analysis outlines a plan for first limiting the current distress being vocalized in issues of passenger cabin comfort and protests by those living near airports and later for finding an overall solution to jet noise.

by David T. Blackstock
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471319791
Easy to read and understand, Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics fills a long-standing need for an acoustics text that challenges but does not overpower graduate students in engineering and physics. Mathematical results and physical explanations go hand in hand, and a unique feature of the book is the balance it strikes between time-domain and frequency-domain presentations.
Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics is intended for a two-semester, first-year graduate course, but is also suitable for advanced undergraduates.

by Kenneth C. Hall, Robert E. Kielb, Jeffrey P. Thomas
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1402042671
This textbook is a collection of technical papers that were presented at the 10th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines held September 8-11, 2003 at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
The papers represent the latest in state of the art research in the areas of aeroacoustics, aerothermodynamics, computational methods, experimental testing related to flow instabilities, flutter, forced response, multistage, and rotor-stator effects for turbomachinery.

by Christopher K. W. Tam
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 052180678X
The objective of Computational Aeroacoustics [CAA] is not simply to develop computational methods and to use these methods to solve aeroacoustics problems and perform numerical simulation of aeroacoustic phenomena. This is both a textbook with exercises for graduate students and a reference with code for researchers in CAA.