by David A. Vallado, James Wertz
Publisher: Microcosm Press
ISBN: 1881883191
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has become the standard astrodynamics reference for those involved in the business of spaceflight. What sets this book apart is that nearly all of the theoretical mathematics is followed by discussions of practical applications implemented in tested software routines that are available for no additional cost on the web.
For example, the book includes a compendium of algorithms that allow students and professionals to determine orbits with high precision using a PC. Without a doubt, when an astrodynamics problem arises in the future, it will continue to be standard practice for engineers to keep this volume close at hand and "look it up in Vallado".

by Victor R. Bond, Mark C. Allman
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691044597
Newton's laws of motion and his universal law of gravitation described mathematically the motion of two bodies undergoing mutual gravitational attraction. However, it is impossible to solve analytically the equation of motion for three gravitationally interacting bodies. This book discusses some techniques used to obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion for planets and satellites, which are of fundamental importance to solar-system dynamicists and to those involved in planning the orbits of artificial satellites.
The first part introduces the classical two-body problem and solves it by rigorously developing the six integrals of the motion, starting from Newton's three laws of motion and his law of gravitation and then using vector algebra to develop the integrals. The various forms of the solution flow naturally from the integrals.

by Oliver Montenbruck, Eberhard Gill
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 354067280X
This modern presentation guides readers through the theory and practice of satellite orbit prediction and determination. Starting from the basic principles of orbital mechanics, it covers elaborate force models as well as precise methods of satellite tracking.
The result is a powerful and unique spaceflight dynamics library, which allows users to easily create software extensions. An extensive collection of frequently updated Internet resources is provided through WWW hyperlinks.

by Authors from the Astronautics Community
Publisher: Microcosm Press
ISBN: 1881883159
Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD is an entirely new approach to creating both a text and a practical engineering reference for space mission design.
Just as space technology has advanced, the way we learn and work has changed dramatically in recent years. SME combines the best features of a traditional unified text and reference covering the entire field, an electronic version that does many of the calculations for you, and the web that allows regular updates and references to the vast literature base available online

by Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, John Stark
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 047075012X
This fourth edition of the bestselling Spacecraft Systems Engineering title provides the reader with comprehensive coverage of the design of spacecraft and the implementation of space missions, across a wide spectrum of space applications and space science. The text has been thoroughly revised and updated, with each chapter authored by a recognized expert in the field. Three chapters – Ground Segment, Product Assurance and Spacecraft System Engineering – have been rewritten, and the topic of Assembly, Integration and Verification has been introduced as a new chapter, filling a gap in previous editions.
This edition addresses ‘front-end system-level issues’ such as environment, mission analysis and system engineering, but also progresses to a detailed examination of subsystem elements which represents the core of spacecraft design.

by Howard Curtis
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0080977472
Written by Howard Curtis, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle University, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students is a crucial text for students of aerospace engineering. Now in its 3e, the book has been brought up-to-date with new topics, key terms, homework exercises, and fully worked examples.
Highly illustrated and fully supported with downloadable MATLAB algorithms for project and practical work, this book provides all the tools needed to fully understand the subject.

by John E. Prussing, Bruce A. Conway
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199837708
For nearly two decades, Orbital Mechanics by John E. Prussing and Bruce A. Conway has been the most authoritative textbook on space trajectories and orbital transfers.