by Daniel H. Hoggan
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0070293791
Master next-generation flood control techniques. Here's the hands-on help you need to apply state-of-the-art computer programs for modeling flood plain hydrologic and hydraulic systems pioneered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Daniel Hoggan's Computer-Assisted Floodplain Hydrology and Hydraulics, Second Edition, takes you step-by-step through the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles Program, the Windows-based HEC-RAS River Analysis System Program, the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph and Parameter Estimation Program and many other Software packages.
It helps you simulate basin hydrology, analyze flood frequency, compute water surface profiles and more. Armed with these powerful techniques, you'll accurately analyze rainfall and rainfall loss, flood routing, urbanizing basins, interior flooding, culvert flow, floodway and channel improvement and much more.

by Ernest F. Brater, Horace Williams King, James E. Lindell, C. Y. Wei
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0070072477
Continuing its tradition of excellence developed over six previous editions, this seminal handbook provides a compact, easily accessible source of current data for solving problems in hydraulic engineering. The book is packed with essential tables, formulas, computer solutions, and other reference needed by practicing engineers. Tables provide a wealth of data for solving problems. Coverage of applicable computer programs includes flow charts, program statements, outputs, and information on software costs and what the program will accomplish. 212 illustrations.

by J. Paul Tullis (Author)
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471832855
This comprehensive text/reference addresses all hydraulic aspects of pipeline design. Incorporates many real-life examples from the author's experience in the design and operation of pipelines. Topics covered include basic equations necessary to pipeline design, how to conduct a feasibility study and perform economic analysis, design considerations for pumps and valves, how to suppress cavitation, hydraulic transients, trapped air, and methods of numerical solution of governing equations (including applications to complex piping systems). Includes twenty-five tables for easy reference. Extensively illustrated.

by John E. Gribbin
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 1133691838
Expanded from 7 to 12 chapters, this edition of Introduction to Hydraulics & Hydrology with Applications for Stormwater Management continues to guide readers to an understanding of the concepts of hydraulics and surface water technology as they are used in everyday civil engineering practice. Valued as a reference by professional civil engineers, land developers, public works officials, and land surveyors throughout the U.S.
This book is also an important tool for students in these disciplines.

by Willis D., Phd Weight, John L., Phd Sonderegger
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 Edition
ISBN: 0071477497
This edition of Hydrogeology Field Manual provides the latest information on applied applications in groundwater sampling and water-quality assessment, aquifer characterization, contamination issues, karst applications, and more. The book includes actual procedures, real-world decisions, and many examples and case studies to help you understand the occurrence and movement of groundwater in a variety of geologic settings.
A reference for recent graduates and experienced hydrogeologists, offering hands-on answers to the some of the actual experiences and decisions of the job that are not explained in textbooks. Shows how to log a drill hole, monitor vadrose water, analyze a slug test, and other skills. DLC: Hydrogeology.

by S. R. Majumdar, S.R. Majumdar
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071406697
Provides everything you need to understand the fundamental operating principles of as well as the latest maintenance, repair, and reconditioning techniques for industrial oil hydraulic systems.
Hydraulic systems are extensively used in machine tools, material devices, transport and other mobile equipment. Written for design engineers and maintenance personnel Oil Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Maintenanceprovides the necessary tools for installation, operation and maintenance of hydraulic equipment. The book touches on such subjects as: hydraulic system maintenance, repair and reconditioning, seals and packing, hydraulic pipes, hoses and fitting, design of hydraulic circuits.

by David A. Chin
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0201350912
Chin (civil and environmental engineering, U. of Miami) presents beginning undergraduate students with a picture of water-resources engineering that integrates fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics, water treatment processes, hydraulics, hydrology, and contaminant fate and transport processes. He incorporates and explains the core design principles of water distribution, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, and water-quality control systems.

by Anthony Esposito
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0135136903
Updated to reflect current fluid power technology and industrial applications, this book focuses on the design, analysis, operation, and maintenance of fluid power systems. Provide readers with realistic ways to obtain desired speeds of hydraulic cylinders and motors. Enhances understanding of the operation of hydraulic pumps and motors. Use of MathCad shows readers how to use MathCad for optimizing the operating performance of hydraulic systems.
For anyone interested in learning about Fluid Power, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics in Engineering Technology and Industrial Technology Programs.