by Barry Kavanagh, Tom Mastin
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0137009402
SURVEYING: PRINCIPLES & APPLICATIONS, 9/e is the clearest, easiest to understand, and most useful introduction to surveying as it is practiced today. It brings together expert coverage of surveying principles, remote sensing and other new advances in technological instrumentation, and modern applications for everything from mapping to engineering. Designed for maximum simplicity, it also covers sophisticated topics typically discussed in advanced surveying courses.
This edition has been reorganized and streamlined to align tightly with current surveying practice, and to teach more rapidly and efficiently.

by Raymond Paul, Walter Whyte
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0750617713
The primary aim of this book is to provide a guide to current practice and equipment for non-specialist surveyors in the various professions involved in the construction industry and the environment. It is suitable for students preparing for degrees and diplomas in architecture, building, building surveying, quantity surveying, estate management and town planning and environmental studies. It is also of value to engineers who are not specialising in engineering surveying.
This book has been thoroughly revised to include new topics such as OS digital mapping, standard deviation and standard error, global positioning systems, transition and vertical curves.

by Jan Van Sickle
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0849391954
Since the last edition of this international bestseller, GPS has grown to become part of a larger international context, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
Both GPS and GNSS technologies are becoming ever more important in the everyday practice of survey and mappers. With GPS for Land Surveyors, Third Edition, a book written by a land surveyor, for land surveyors, you can stay in the know on the latest GPS techniques, technologies, codes, and signals.

by George M. Cole PE PLS
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.
ISBN: 1591261740
The Surveyor Reference Manual is the most comprehensive reference and study guide available for surveyors preparing for the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam.
New chapters on aerial mapping and hydrographic surveying have been added to this edition, and chapters on map projections and state plane coordinate systems, water boundaries, and riparian and littoral rights have been significantly revised.

by Jerry A. Nathanson P.E., Michael Lanzafama P.E. P.L.S. P.P., Philip Kissam Late Professor Emeritus
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0135000378
Surveying Fundamentals and Practices, Sixth Edition, covers up-to-date surveying technology without losing perspective of the need to provide students with a strong foundation in traditional surveying fundamentals. Through clear explanations and applied examples, the text presents the methods of measuring and computing distances, angles, and directions.
It provides students with a firm grasp of modern equipment and office and field procedures related to horizontal control surveys, property surveys, topographic surveys, roadway curve calculations, and construction layout surveys.

by by Timothy J Nelson
Publisher: Engineering Videos
ISBN: 0615517439
Surveying Practice Problems provides 105 multiple-choice surveying problems to assist civil engineers and land surveyors in preparation for their professional licensing examinations. Topics include: Horizontal Curves, Vertical Curves, Distance, Leveling, Area, Angles, Traverse, and Photogrammetry. This book is divided into 3 Sections: Questions, Detailed Solutions, and Quick Solutions. The Detailed Solutions Section is the largest section, where problems are solved using equations, figures, tables and notes.
The Quick Solutions Section only provides the multiple-choice letter corresponding to the correct answer, so readers can quickly check their answers.

by James Anderson, Edward Mikhail
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
ISBN: 0070159149
This up-to-the-minute edition provides the latest in Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Digital Mapping, Spatial Information Systems, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as comprehensive coverage of the surveying techniques, operations, and information professionals of every stripe need on the job.