by Alexandra von Meier
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
ISBN: 0471178594
Electric Power Systems explains and illustrates how the electric grid works in a clear, straightforward style that makes highly technical material accessible. It begins with a thorough discussion of the underlying physical concepts of electricity, circuits, and complex power that serves as a foundation for more advanced material. Readers are then introduced to the main components of electric power systems, including generators, motors and other appliances, and transmission and distribution equipment such as power lines, transformers, and circuit breakers.
Recognizing the economic and environmental implications of electric energy production and public concern over disruptions of service, this book exposes the challenges of producing and delivering electricity to help inform public policy decisions.

by Allen J. Wood, Bruce F. Wollenberg, Gerald B. Sheblé
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471790559
In this eagerly awaited new edition, Power Generation, Operation, and Control continues to provide engineers and academics with a complete picture of the techniques used in modern power system operation. Long recognized as the standard reference in the field, the book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the enormous changes that have taken place in the electric power industry since the Second Edition was published seventeen years ago.
With an emphasis on both the engineering and economic aspects of energy management, the Third Edition introduces central "terminal" characteristics for thermal and hydroelectric power generation systems, along with new optimization techniques for tackling real-world operating problems.

by J. Lewis Blackburn, Thomas J. Domin
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439888116
Technological advances and structural changes within the electric utility industry mandate that protection engineers develop a solid understanding of the related new technologies as well as of power system operations and economics in order to function proficiently.
Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition retains the fundamentals of protection relays and power system protection while incorporating new developments in the field. Thoroughly updated and revised, this Fourth Edition focuses on technological changes in the design of protective systems, the practical concerns of power system protection encountered by users, and the techniques for protecting typical facilities used in modern power systems.

by J. C. Das
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
ISBN: 1118163818
Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation is the first book to focus specifically on arc flash hazards and provide the latest methodologies for its analysis as well as practical mitigation techniques.
Consisting of sixteen chapters, this fully up-to-date handbook covers all aspects of arc flash hazard calculations and mitigation. It addresses the calculations of short circuits, protective relaying, and varied electrical systems configurations in electrical power systems. It also examines protection systems, including differential relays, arc flash sensing relays, protective relaying coordination, current transformer operation and saturation, and applications to major electrical equipment from the arc flash point of view.

by John D. McDonald
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439856389
The use of electric power substations in generation, transmission, and distribution remains one of the most challenging and exciting areas of electric power engineering. Recent technological developments have had a tremendous impact on all aspects of substation design and operation.
With 80% of its chapters completely revised and two brand-new chapters on energy storage and Smart Grids, Electric Power Substations Engineering, Third Edition provides an extensive updated overview of substations, serving as a reference and guide for both industry and academia.

by Turan Gonen
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439802548
Although many textbooks deal with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering, few are written specifically for an in-depth study of modern electric power transmission.
Drawing from the author’s 31 years of teaching and power industry experience, in the U.S. and abroad, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Second Edition provides a wide-ranging exploration of modern power transmission engineering. This self-contained text includes ample numerical examples and problems, and makes a special effort to familiarize readers with vocabulary and symbols used in the industry.

by Prabha Kundur
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 007035958X
Voltage stability is a major concern in the planning and operation of electric power systems. This is the first book to provide a clear, in-depth explanation of voltage stability, covering both transient and longer-term phenomena and presenting proven solution to instability problems.
An essential tool for all electric power and utility engineers, the book describes equipment characteristics for transmission, generation, and distribution/load subsystems of a power system, together with methods for the modeling of equipment.

by John Grainger, William Stevenson Jr.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
ISBN: 0070612935
Based on William Stevenson's classic, Elements of Power System Analysis, this new senior/graduate text offers a completely modern update of this popular textbook. Covering such topics as power flow, power-system stability and transmission lines, the book teaches the fundamental topics of power system analysis accompanied by logical discussions and numerous examples.

by Larry Drbal, Kayla Westra, Pat Boston
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0412064014
This comprehensive volume provides a complete, authoritative, up-to-date reference for all aspects of power plant engineering.
Coverage ranges from engineering economics to coal and limestone handling, from design processes to plant thermal heat balances. Both theory and practical applications are covered, giving engineers the information needed to plan, design, construct, upgrade, and operate power plants. Power Plant Engineering is the culmination of experience of hundreds of engineers from Black & Veatch, a leading firm in the field for more than 80 years.

by H. Wayne Beaty
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071362983
Now with live equations on the bundled CD-ROM, this problem-solving package makes it easier than ever to find and use the right calculation. The most powerful calculations tool available to electrical engineers, the Handbook delivers step-by-step directions and examples for the entire range of electric power problem-solving, in print and in a searchable, interactive CD format. Written by industry experts and edited by McGraw-Hill's Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineering editor H. Wayne Beaty, this popular guide is the only answer you need for trouble-free electric power calculations.