by Shoab Ahmed Khan
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 047074183X
Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems discusses a spectrum of architectures and methods for effective implementation of algorithms in hardware (HW). Encompassing all facets of the subject this book includes conversion of algorithms from floating-point to fixed-point format, parallel architectures for basic computational blocks, Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), SystemVerilog and coding guidelines for synthesis.
The book also covers system level design of Multi Processor System on Chip (MPSoC); a consideration of different design methodologies including Network on Chip (NoC) and Kahn Process Network (KPN) based connectivity among processing elements. A special emphasis is placed on implementing streaming applications like a digital communication system in HW.

by Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie Jervis
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0201596199
The second edition of this popular text continues to provide practical coverage of the fundamentals of digital signal processing (DSP) using real-world applications and practical examples to illustrate key topics. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, the text also provides insight and guidance on how to use DSP techniques in order to design real engineering systems.
This edition has been updated to include new topics of increasing importance to industry, as well as revising existing material to ensure currency and maximise clarity. MATLAB-based examples and exercises are now provided with the text and further problems have been added.

by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131988425
For senior/graduate-level courses in Discrete-Time Signal Processing.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition is the definitive, authoritative text on DSP – ideal for those with introductory-level knowledge of signals and systems. Written by prominent DSP pioneers, it provides thorough treatment of the fundamental theorems and properties of discrete-time linear systems, filtering, sampling, and discrete-time Fourier Analysis. By focusing on the general and universal concepts in discrete-time signal processing, it remains vital and relevant to the new challenges arising in the field.

by Todd K. Moon, Wynn C. Stirling
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0201361868
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing tackles the challenge of providing readers and practitioners with the broad tools of mathematics employed in modern signal processing.
Building from an assumed background in signals and stochastic processes, the book provides a solid foundation in analysis, linear algebra, optimization, and statistical signal processing.

by Mark A. Richards
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071798323
Fully updated and expanded, Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, Second Edition, offers comprehensive coverage of the basic digital signal processing techniques and technologies on which virtually all modern radar systems rely, including target and interference models, matched filtering, waveform design, Doppler processing, threshold detection, and measurement accuracy.
The methods and interpretations of linear systems, filtering, sampling, and Fourier analysis are used throughout to provide a unified tutorial approach. End-of-chapter problems reinforce the material covered. Developed over many years of academic and professional education, this authoritative resource is ideal for graduate students as well as practicing engineers.

by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0138147574
This authoritative book, highly regarded for its intellectual quality and contributions provides a solid foundation and life-long reference for anyone studying the most important methods of modern signal and system analysis. The major changes of the revision are reorganization of chapter material and the addition of a much wider range of difficulties.
Topics include basic signals and systems concepts, linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, Fourier representations of continuous-time and discrete-time signals, the CT and DT Fourier transforms, and time- and frequency-domain analysis methods.

by Richard G. Lyons
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0137027419
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, is quite simply the best resource for engineers and other technical professionals who want to master and apply today’s latest DSP techniques. Richard G. Lyons has updated and expanded his best-selling second edition to reflect the newest technologies, building on the exceptionally readable coverage that made it the favorite of DSP professionals worldwide. He has also added hands-on problems to every chapter, giving students even more of the practical experience they need to succeed.
Comprehensive in scope and clear in approach, this book achieves the perfect balance between theory and practice, keeps math at a tolerable level, and makes DSP exceptionally accessible to beginners without ever oversimplifying it. Readers can thoroughly grasp the basics and quickly move on to more sophisticated techniques.