by Richard C. Selley
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0126363706
This edition of Elements of Petroleum Geology is completely updated and revised to reflect the vast changes in the field in the fifteen years since publication of the First Edition. This book is a useful for geophysicists, geologists, and petroleum engineers in the oil industry who wish to expand their knowledge beyond their specialized area. It is also an excellent introductory text for a university course in petroleum geoscience.
Elements of Petroleum Geology begins with an account of the physical and chemical properties of petroleum, reviewing methods of petroleum exploration and production. These methods include drilling, geophysical exploration techniques, wireline logging, and subsurface geological mapping.

by Jon Gluyas, Richard Swarbrick
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 0632037679
Petroleum Geoscience is a comprehensive introduction to the application of geology and geophysics to the search for and production of oil and gas.
Uniquely, this book is structured to reflect the sequential and cyclical processes of exploration, appraisal, development and production. Chapters dedicated to each of these aspects are further illustrated by case histories drawn from the authors' experiences. Petroleum Geoscience has a global and 'geo-temporal' backdrop, drawing examples and case histories from around the world and from petroleum systems ranging in age from late-Pre-Cambrian to Pliocene.

by Martin S. Raymond, William L. Leffler
Publisher: PennWell Corp.
ISBN: 1593700520
This nontechnical treatment is a great introduction to oil and gas production for anyone from beginning petroleum engineering and geology students to accountants, salespersons, and other professionals interested in the industry. Co-authored by Martin Raymond, a veteran production manager, and William Leffler, one of the top petroleum nontechnical writers, it is an easy-to-read reference for those who deal with petroleum industry personnel and production issues in their jobs, but need a quick overview of the technical and business issues.
Complete with helpful charts and diagrams, this book covers everything from production equipment and processes to theory, business operations, and strategies.

by Kw Glennie
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 0632038454
Since the 3rd edition of this publication, emphasis within the petroleum industry has shifted from exploration to appraisal and development of existing hydrocarbon resources. This change is reflected in this new 4th edition, which has been significantly expanded to accomodate additional material. The centrepiece of the book, however, remains a series of descriptions, in stratigraphic order, of the depositional history and hydrocarbon related rock units of the North Sea.

by Norman J. Hyne
Publisher: PennWell Corp.
ISBN: 1593702698
In this popular text that has trained thousands in the petroleum industry for years, Dr. Norman Hyne takes readers through upstream operations from how oil and gas are formed; how to find commercial quantities; how to drill, evaluate, and complete a well, all the way through production and improved oil recovery.
He uses lots of pictures, graphs, and illustrations to aid readers in understanding topics and to provide necessary visuals.