by B. C. Craft, M. Hawkins, Ronald E. Terry
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0130398845
The most current, applied book on the market for petroleum engineers, geologists and others working in the development and production of oil and gas fields and those concerned with the movement of ground water, this revised edition reflects the advances made in reservoir engineering calculation techniques.
Numerous real world examples clarify the material, providing the reservoir engineer with the practical information to make applied calculations.

by L.P. Dake
Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISBN: 044441830X
"This book is fast becoming the standard text in its field", wrote a reviewer in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology soon after the first appearance of Dake's book. This prediction quickly came true: it has become the standard text and has been reprinted many times.
No prior knowledge of reservoir engineering is necessary. The material is dealt with in a concise, unified and applied manner, and only the simplest and most straightforward mathematical techniques are used. This low-priced paperback edition will continue to be an invaluable teaching aid for years to come.

by L.P. Dake
Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0444506713
This revised edition of the bestselling Practice of Reservoir Engineering has been written for those in the oil industry requiring a working knowledge of how the complex subject of hydrocarbon reservoir engineering can be applied in the field in a practical manner. Containing additions and corrections to the first edition, the book is a simple statement of how to do the job and is particularly suitable for reservoir/production engineers as well as those associated with hydrocarbon recovery.
This practical book approaches the basic limitations of reservoir engineering with the basic tenet of science: Occam's Razor, which applies to reservoir engineering to a greater extent than for most physical sciences.

by Nnaemeka Ezekwe
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0137152833
This is a complete, up-to-date guide to the practice of petroleum reservoir engineering, written by one of the world’s most experienced professionals. Dr. Nnaemeka Ezekwe covers topics ranging from basic to advanced, focuses on currently acceptable practices and modern techniques, and illuminates key concepts with realistic case histories drawn from decades of working on petroleum reservoirs worldwide.
Dr. Ezekwe begins by discussing the sources and applications of basic rock and fluid properties data. Next, he shows how to predict PVT properties of reservoir fluids from correlations and equations of state, and presents core concepts and techniques of reservoir engineering.

by Tarek Ahmed PhD PE, Nathan Meehan
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0123855489
Reservoir management is concerned with the geoscience and reservoir/production engineering required to plan and optimize the development of discovered or producing oil and gas assets. One of the only books to cover both management and engineering issues, Advanced Reservoir Management and Engineering is redesigned to be the only book you need throughout your career.
Authoritative in its approach, the book begins with the theory and practice of transient flow analysis and offers a brief but thorough hands-on guide to gas and oil well testing. Chapter two documents water influx models and their practical applications in conducting comprehensive field studies, widely used throughout the industry.