by Boyun Guo PhD, William C. Lyons Ph.D. P.E., Ali Ghalambor PhD
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0750682701
Petroleum Production Engineering, A Computer-Assisted Approach provides handy guidelines to designing, analyzing and optimizing petroleum production systems. Broken into four parts, this book covers the full scope of petroleum production engineering, featuring stepwise calculations and computer-based spreadsheet programs.
Part one contains discussions of petroleum production engineering fundamentals, empirical models for production decline analysis, and the performance of oil and natural gas wells.

by William L. Leffler, Richard Pattarozzi, Gordon Sterling
Publisher: PennWell Corp
ISBN: 1593702531
The new second edition of this authoritative book has retained all the virtues of the best-selling original, explaining the unique challenges of oil and gas exploration and production in the world's deepwater provinces.
New chapters on geology and geophysics, rigs, and service vehicles are included, and the engineering and scientific schemes used in deepwater are covered in greater detail. Case studies in several chapters give practical examples, while the final chapter presents the latest technology employed in a "third wave" of industry evolution.

by Bernt Aadnoy, Reza Looyeh
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0123855462
Rock mechanics is a vital decision-making tool for insuring economic benefits in all phases of petroleum reservoir development. Petroleum Rock Mechanics introduces the fundamentals of solid mechanics and applies them to oil and gas related drilling and well operation and completion problems.
The book's two part treatment starts with a clear and rigorous exposition of theory, followed by self-contained chapters concerning applications for understanding the stress, strain, and failure mechanics of rocks and their response to earth stresses. The role of rock mechanics in drilling operations and design are highlighted throughout.

by Steve Devereux
Publisher: PennWell Corp.
ISBN: 1593702647
Author Steve Devereux has completely rewritten and updated this overview of onshore and offshore drilling operations and technology. He takes readers through the entire drilling process from basic drilling geology through managing drilling operations. The updated edition covers key management issues such as safety, the environment, costs, and regulations. A new chapter offers advice to those considering working in the industry.

by Maurice Stewart, Ken E. Arnold
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0750678534
The latest edition of this best-selling title is updated and expanded for easier use by engineers. New to this edition is a section on the fundamentals of surface production operations taking up topics from the oilfield as originally planned by the authors in the first edition.
This information is necessary and endemic to production and process engineers. Now, the book offers a truly complete picture of surface production operations, from the production stage to the process stage with applications to process and production engineers.