by Alain April, Alain Abran
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press
ISBN: 0470147075
Software maintenance accounts for 60 - 90% of software life-cycle costs, and unfortunately, very little attention is given to software maintenance education, training, and research. Now, two experts in the field explain how understanding software maintenance, implementing best practices, and improving its processes can help software managers to dramatically cut costs.
Software Maintenance Management explores the domain of software maintenance management and provides road maps for improving software maintenance organizations. It describes full maintenance maturity models organized by levels 1, 2, and 3, which allow for benchmarking and continuous improvement paths. Goals for each key practice area are also provided, and the model presented is fully aligned with the architecture and framework of software development maturity models of CMMI and ISO 15504.

by Penny Grubb, Armstrong A. Takang
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
ISBN: 981238426X
Software systems now invade every area of daily living. Yet, we still struggle to build systems we can really rely on. If we want to work with software systems at any level, we need to get to grips with the way software evolves.
This book should equip the reader with a sound understanding of maintenance and how it affects all levels of the software evolution process.

by Fred Beisse
Publisher: Course Technology Cengage Learning
ISBN: 113318782X
Current or future user-support professionals discover the critical people skills and exceptional technical knowledge to provide outstanding support with Beisse's A GUIDE TO COMPUTER USER SUPPORT FOR HELP DESK AND SUPPORT SPECIALISTS, 5E.
This useful guide focuses on the informational resources and technical tools needed most to function effectively in a support position. Readers learn to handle troubleshooting and problem solving, successfully communicate with clients, determine a client's specific needs, train end-users and even handle budgeting and other management priorities. This edition prepares readers to work with the latest developments, from Web and e-mail-based support to Windows 7 and cloud computing.

by Thomas M. Pigoski
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0471170011
The amount of time and expense spent debugging, customizing, updating, and maintaining software far outstrips the amount spent buying it. This book provides a simple and straightforward introduction to software maintenance activities that work. It is the first book to cover software transition, the process of moving the product from developer to maintainer. Written by one of the world's foremost experts on software maintenance, it draws on real world case studies to explore basic do's and don'ts, IEEE and ISO requirements, organizational issues, and the often sticky issue of metrics.
Other topics addressed include object-oriented software and client/server software, corporate education and training programs, creative cost controls, and more.