Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1560229543
Handbook of Precision Agriculture also includes a foreword written by the renowned agricultural scientist, administrator, and World Food Prize Laureate, Professor M.S. Swaiminathan. Peer-reviewed by more than 100 reviewers from around the world, this unique book presents detailed information and concepts in a simple and direct style that’s easy to understand-even for beginners!
In most developing countries, farming is the best safety net against hunger and keeping production costs under control without sacrificing crop yield is essential for survival. The Handbook of Precision Agriculture presents up-to-date research, field studies, and practical applications from around the world to help agricultural scientists and farmers work together to design a farming methodology that improves productivity, profitability, and sustainability.
Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Technology: A Problem Solving Approach
by Harry Field, John Solie
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0387369139
Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Technology: A problem Solving Approach is an invaluable text for agriculture students at the introductory level.
The third edition has been thoroughly updated and reorganized to meet the current units and standards of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
Agricultural Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications
by Ray V Herren
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 1435400976
AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, 6th edition is designed for high school students learning agricultural mechanics.
The text aims to connect the theory behind mechanics with the practical application. Topics covered are those common to most programs and include metal and career selection; wood and metal working; tool identification; project planning; cutting and welding; paints and paint application; power mechanics; electrical wiring; plumbing; hydraulics; concrete and masonry; and agricultural structures. Safety rules and precautions are prominent in every section of the units as well as an entire unit on personal safety.
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
by Margaret Oliver, Thomas Bishop, Ben Marchant
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0415504406
Precision agriculture (PA) involves the application of technologies and agronomic principles to manage spatial and temporal variation associated with all aspects of agricultural production in order to improve crop performance and environmental quality. The focus of this book is to introduce a non-specialist audience to the the role of PA in food security, environmental protection, and sustainable use of natural resources, as well as its economic benefits.
The technologies covered include yield monitors and remote sensing, and the key agronomic principles addressed are the optimal delivery of fertilizers, water and pesticides to crops only when and where these are required. As a result, it is shown that both food production and resource efficiency can be maximized, without waste or damage to the environment, such as can occur from excessive fertilizer or pesticide applications.
Agricultural Economics
by H. Evan Drummond Ph.D., John W. Goodwin
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0136071929
Agricultural Economics, Third Edition, offers a broad view of the food system, emphasizing the links between and among financial institutions, the macro economy, world markets, government programs, farms, agribusinesses, food marketing, and the environment.
The text lays out the basic theory of microeconomics with numerous examples from the food and agricultural industries, while its coverage of macroeconomics emphasizes real world applications rather than pure theory. Addressing many topics lightly instead of one or two topics in depth, the text allows flexibility for instructors to "skip around" topics.
Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management
by Edited by Wesley W. Wallender, Kenneth K. Tanji, Sc.D.
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
ISBN: 0784411697
Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, second edition, considers worldwide salinity and trace element management in irrigated agriculture and water supplies.
This updated edition provides a reference to help sustain irrigated agriculture and integrates contemporary concepts and management practices. It covers technical and scientific aspects of agricultural salinity mangement, as well as environmental, economic, and legal concerns.