by David W. Mount
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
ISBN: 0879697121
As more species genomes are sequenced, computational analysis of these data has become increasingly important. The second, entirely updated edition of this widely praised textbook provides a comprehensive and critical examination of the computational methods needed for analyzing DNA, RNA, and protein data, as well as genomes.
The book has been rewritten to make it more accessible to a wider audience, including advanced undergraduate and graduate students. New features include chapter guides and explanatory information panels and glossary terms. New chapters in this second edition cover statistical analysis of sequence alignments, computer programming for bioinformatics, and data management and mining. Practically oriented problems at the ends of chapters enhance the value of the book as a teaching resource. The book also serves as an essential reference for professionals in molecular biology, pharmaceutical, and genome laboratories.

by Steen Knudsen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471224901
A text for students and scientists new to DNA array data analysis, written for biologists without special training in data analysis and statistics.
Knudsen (Technical U. of Denmark) covers the spectrum of established analysis approaches, including cluster analysis, function prediction, and principal component analysis. He also reviews software programs and discusses criteria for selecting programs.
A Biologist's Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data meets the needs of research professionals, students, and trainees alike for a compact yet thorough guide to analyzing microarray data.

by Andreas D. Baxevanis, B. F. Francis Ouellette
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0471383910
Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins, Second Edition is essential reading for researchers, instructors, and students of all levels in molecular biology and bioinformatics, as well as for investigators involved in genomics, positional cloning, clinical research, and computational biology.
Presents fourteen chapters on tools and databases used in bioinformatics, loosely defined as the intersection of molecular and computational biology. With the goal of helping the reader design and implement a successful sequence analysis strategy.

by Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak, Sren Brunak
Publisher: A Bradford Book
ISBN: 026202506X
An unprecedented wealth of data is being generated by genome sequencing projects and other experimental efforts to determine the structure and function of biological molecules. The demands and opportunities for interpreting these data are expanding rapidly. Bioinformatics is the development and application of computer methods for management, analysis, interpretation, and prediction, as well as for the design of experiments. Machine learning approaches (e.g., neural networks, hidden Markov models, and belief networks) are ideally suited for areas where there is a lot of data but little theory, which is the situation in molecular biology.
The goal in machine learning is to extract useful information from a body of data by building good probabilistic models and to automate the process as much as possible.

by Pavel A. Pevzner
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262161974
A textbook covering a large range of algorithmic and combinatorical topics and showing how they are connected to molecular biology and biotechnology. This material is accessible to computer scientists without biological training and to biologists with a limited background in computer science. DLC: Molecular biology, Mathematical models.
Computational Molecular Biology series: computer science and mathematics are transforming molecular biology from an informational to a computational science. Drawing on computational, statistical, experimental, and technological methods, the new discipline of computational molecular biology is dramatically increasing the discovery of new technologies and tools for molecular biology.

by Pierre Baldi, G. Wesley Hatfield, Wesley G. Hatfield
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521176352
An interdisciplinary introduction to DNA arrays is essential reading for both biology and computer science researchers wanting to take advantage of this powerful new technology.
DNA microarrays are in the process of revolutionizing biology and medicine. They can provide a snapshot of the level of expression of all the genes in the cell. Such snapshots can be used to study development and evolution, to determine the function of new genes, to infer the role genes may play in diseases, and to monitor the effect of drugs and other compounds on gene expression. This inter-disciplinary introduction to DNA arrays will be essential reading for all researchers wanting to take advantage of this powerful new technology.

by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Robert, Peter Walter, Keith Roberts
Publisher: Garland Pub
ISBN: 0815344554
The book excells in didactic qualities by a systematic evolment of the main topic, by preceding each chapter with a keyword like abstract of the chapter topic, by ending each chapter with a list of the presented key concepts and questions which are propperly answered at the end of the book, by a clear print where text runs down on two thirds of the page while the remainder of the page shows an unbelievable number of color illustrations, and by a readable, understandable and precisely written style.
Since the book is an introduction into it's field, it will necessarily not cover too intricate details. And certain things are still under research, even seemingly simple ones like: Does the myosion filament in muscle cells really "float" like on p.539? There was a different picture in the PROCNATL, some time ago.

by Robert Franklin Weaver
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
ISBN: 0073525324
Unlike famous Lodish's and Albert's molecular biology texts, this wonderful work of Weaver is focused mainly on methodology used in daily life of almost all molecular biologists.
The approach that Dr. Weaver used to explain concepts in this text is unique and very effective. I find that this text not only helps me understand the difficult concepts of molecular biology, but also teaches me to interpret data in the scientific papers. Even though the materials presented in the text do not cover many aspects of the field, this text presents almost all important concepts that undergraduate students majoring in CMB, Biochemistry or Biology should know. This book is an excellent one.

by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, Joe Sambrook
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
ISBN: 1936113422
The theoretical and historical underpinnings of techniques are prominent features of the presentation throughout, information that does much to help trouble-shoot experimental problems. For the fourth edition of this classic work, the content has been entirely recast to include nucleic-acid based methods selected as the most widely used and valuable in molecular and cellular biology laboratories.
The first two editions of this manual have been mainstays of molecular biology for nearly twenty years, with an unrivalled reputation for reliability, accuracy, and clarity. In this new edition, authors Joe Sambrook and David Russell have completely updated the book, revising every protocol and adding a mass of new material, to broaden its scope and maintain its unbeatable value for studies in genetics, molecular cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology, neuroscience, and immunology...

by Tamar Schlick
Publisher: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 1441963502
This book evolved from an interdisciplinary graduate course entitled Molecular Modeling developed at NYU. Its primary goal is to stimulate excitement for molecular modeling research while introducing readers to the wide range of biomolecular problems being solved by computational techniques and tools.
This is the second edition of a blockbuster devoted to the modeling of biomolecular structure and dynamics.
The book addresses a broad audience that includes mathematicians, computer scientists, physical scientists, and biologists.
Designed for beginning graduate students in a variety of disciplines.
The appendices include a huge bibliography, a sample course syllabus and a variety of innovative homework assignments.

by Bastien Gomperts, Ijsbrand M. Kramer, Peter E. R. Tatham, Bastien D. Gomperts, Ijsbrand Kramer, Peter Tatham
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123694418
Signal Transduction is a well-illustrated, coherent look at cellular signaling processes. Beginning with the basics, it explains how cells respond to external cues, hormones, growth factors, cytokines, cell surfaces, etc., and then shows how these inputs are integrated and coordinated. The extensive color artwork provides the reader with a clearer comprehension of key topics, and margin notes are incorporated to highlight milestones in the evolution of signal transduction. This book serves as an invaluable resource for advanced undergraduates, graduate researchers, and established scientists working in cell biology, pharmacology, immunology, and related fields.

by Bryan P. Bergeron
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131008250
Bioinformatics Computing is a practical guide to computing in the growing field of Bioinformatics (the study of how information is represented and transmitted in biological systems, starting at the molecular level). This book brings life scientists at every level - from students to research directors - up to speed in computational techniques that apply directly to their work. The life science community needs a practical guide that illustrates the computer science advances that have been made in the past several decades in areas of computer visualization, large database designs, machine learning and other forms of advanced pattern matching, statistical methods, and distributed computing techniques.
In addition to exploring general information technology issues, each chapter identifies technologies and approaches on the near horizon that will have a significant impact on bioinformatics, and introduces some of the global, societal issues that will likely define bioinformatics developments in the future.

by M. J. McPherson, S. G. Møller, R. Beynon, C. Howe
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 0415355478
"PCR: the basics" is the ideal practical introduction to PCR practices in the laboratory. By providing basic theory, background material and suggestions for suitable protocols, it enables a novice to become a proficient user of many PCR techniques.
Coverage includes: * Experimental aspects * Analyzing and manipulating PCR products * Genome analysis * Gene cloning and manipulation * Gene expression and medical diagnosis "PCR: the basics" is invaluable for undergraduates, graduates, or experienced researchers who are about to undertake PCR for the first time.

by Stanley I. Sandler
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471661740
By providing an applied and modern approach, Stanley Sandler's Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, helps students see the value and relevance of studying thermodynamics to all areas of chemical engineering, and gives them the depth of coverage they need to develop a solid understanding of the key principles in the field.
Presented in sufficient detail to provide a solid understanding of the principles of thermodynamics & its classical applications. Included are the applications of chemical engineering thermodynamics to issues such as distribution of chemicals in the environment, safety, polymers, & solid-state processing. DLC: Thermodynamics.