by Sean B. Carroll, Jennifer K. Grenier, Scott D. Weatherbee, Scott Wetherbee, Jen Grenier
Publisher: Blackwell Science Inc
ISBN: 1405119500
In this landmark work, the author team led by Dr. Sean Carroll presents the general principles of the genetic basis of morphological change through a synthesis of evolutionary biology with genetics and embryology. In this extensively revised second edition, the authors delve into the latest discoveries, incorporating new coverage of comparative genomics, molecular evolution of regulatory proteins and elements, and microevolution of animal development.
Presents general principles of the genetic basis of morphological change through a synthesis of evolutionary biology with genetics and embryology. The history of animal evolution, model system developmental genetics, and genetic regulatory mechanisms are first addressed, then case studies of evolutionary change at different genetic and morphological levels are examined. Includes color diagrams and images on every page, plus a glossary. Carroll is affiliated with Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the University of Wisconsin.

by Buddy D. Ratner, Allan S. Hoffman, Frederick J. Schoen, Jack E. Lemons, Fredenck J. Scheon
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123746264
All aspects of biomaterials science are thoroughly addressed, from tissue engineering to cochlear prostheses and drug delivery systems. Over 80 contributors from academia, government and industry detail the principles of cell biology, immunology, and pathology. Focus within pertains to the clinical uses of biomaterials as components in implants, devices, and artificial organs. This reference also touches upon their uses in biotechnology as well as the characterization of the physical, chemical, biochemical and surface properties of these materials.
In this presentation, which aims for a balanced introduction to the field, chapters on properties of materials and classes of materials used in medicine are followed by discussion of concepts of biology, biochemistry, and medicine, and practical aspects--host reactions to biomaterials and their evaluation, degradation of materials in the biological environment, artificial organs, implants and devices, and new products and standards.

by William Bains
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198524986
Biotechnology, one of the fastest growing and most exciting areas of science, is a complex combination of scientific disciplines beset by jargon and buzz words. Now fully updated to incorporate the most current terminology, this second edition of Biotechnology From A to Z offers an illuminating and practical introduction to the ideas of biotechnology. Starting from ADEPT (antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy) and finishing with zoonosis (infection by an organism that usually infects other species), and describing artificial tissues, extremophiles, nutraceuticals, prosthetics, and xenografts among many other topics along the way, this book provides a concise and readable overview of the field. Straightforward language and concrete examples are used to unravel the jargon for the non-specialist. This book is an essential, accessible guide to the science, the technology, and the real achievements of this fascinating and controversial industry.
An introductory guide to the ideas and terminology of biotechnology for non-specialists, using straightforward language and concrete examples to explain some 1,000 terms in slightly over 350 short entries, arranged alphabetically from Adenovirus to Yuk factor.

by Cynthia Robbins-Roth
Publisher: Perseus Publishing
ISBN: 073820482X
In the early 1980s, the biggest concern facing the biotech industry was collecting enough urine and placenta to conduct crucial genetic research. At one point Genentech researchers even joked about increasing their urine yield by laying sawdust on the floor at their weekly beer bashes. The technical challenges of the Internet industry pale in comparison - and so do the challenges to Internet investors.
So says Cynthia Robbins-Roth in From Alchemy to IPO, a fascinating, if somewhat dry, look at how the biotech industry grew from nothing to one of the most important business sectors in today's economy. Her retelling has important lessons both for biotech investors and Net investors, who can learn much from biotech's technology-driven boom-bust cycle...

by Matt Ridley
Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN: 0060894083
The human genome, the complete set of genes housed in twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, is nothing less than an autobiography of our species. Spelled out in a billion three-letter words using the four-letter alphabet of DNA, the genome has been edited, abridged, altered and added to as it has been handed down, generation to generation, over more than three billion years.
With the first draft of the human genome due to be published in 2000, we, this lucky generation, are the first beings who are able to read this extraordinary book and to gain hitherto unimaginable insights into what it means to be alive, to be human, to be conscious or to be ill...

by Leon R., M.D. Kass
Publisher: Encounter Books
ISBN: 1893554554
At the onset of "Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity," Leon Kass gives us a status report on where we stand today: "Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic 'enhancement,' for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists are zealously prophesying a posthuman future.
For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention..."

by Isaac S. Kohane, Alvin Kho, Atul J. Butte
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 026211271X
Provides a systematic introduction to the use of CNA microarrays as an investigative tool for functional genomics. The presentation is appropriate for readers from biology or bioinformatics.
Functional genomics the deconstruction of the genome to determine the biological function of genes and gene interactions is one of the most fruitful new areas of biology. The growing use of DNA microarrays allows researchers to assess the expression of tens of thousands of genes at a time. This quantitative change has led to qualitative progress in our ability to understand regulatory processes at the cellular level.

by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, Joe Sambrook
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
ISBN: 1936113422
The first two editions of this manual have been mainstays of molecular biology for nearly twenty years, with an unrivalled reputation for reliability, accuracy, and clarity. In this new edition, authors Joe Sambrook and David Russell have completely updated the book, revising every protocol and adding a mass of new material, to broaden its scope and maintain its unbeatable value for studies in genetics, molecular cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology, neuroscience, and immunology.

by Richard A. Dixon, Robert A. Gonzales
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199634025
Plant cell culture techniques are used increasingly in basic research for plant exploitation in industry, including for example, genetic engineering and micropropagation. The rapidly developing role of plant cell culture has necessitated this new edition of a widely acclaimed book. It covers a wide range of methods central to the exploitation of plant cell cultures in fundamental and applied research.
This thoroughly revised work retains the combination of giving and explaining the general principles involved with the concise description of specific protocols, with appeal to a broad readership, that made the first edition so successful. Internationally recognized experts describe the techniques used for isolating and manipulating cell cultures, and the central importance in plant biotechnology. The book will be of major interest to researchers in plant sciences in general, and specifically to botany, plant physiology, and biotechnology students.

by Gregory Stock
Publisher: Mariner Books
ISBN: 0618340831
Forget worries about cloning people. In the future, technological advances will bring far more meaningful and controversial changes to our offspring, says Gregory Stock. As scientists rapidly improve their ability to identify and manipulate genes, people will want to protect their future children from diseases, help them live longer, and even influence their looks and their abilities. Stock, an expert on the implications of recent advances in reproductive biology, clearly shows that neither governments nor religious groups will be able to stop the coming trend of choosing an embryo's genes.

by George Wolff
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471412791
Like the industry itself, the fundamentals of biotech investing are unique. Because the financial characteristics of biotechnology investments are unlike those of any other sector on the market, few analysts and investors predicted the industry’s recent, dramatic gains and even fewer profited from it...
Wolff first focuses on the unique financial forces that drive biotech markets. With this approach, you’ll gain a better understanding of the structure of the industry and its many processes, setting the stage for an analysis of sensible investment criteria. He then simplifies complex scientific concepts and technical terminology so you can quickly cut through industry jargon and make informed investment decisions.

by Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, Ernst Mayr
Publisher: Basic Books
ISBN: 0465043917
A challenger of the orthodox "neo-Darwinist" interpretation of evolution, microbiologist Margulis has made her professional mark touting an alternative: symbiogenesis. She and coauthor (and son) Sagan have presented their ideas in earlier popular works (What Is Life?, 1995), but never as vigorously as in this volume. Essentially, the debate between neo-Darwinists and Margulis hinges on the definition of a species, and the manner in which a new one appears. To Margulis and Sagan, the neo-Darwinist model, which asserts random gene mutation as the source of inherited variations, is "wildly overemphasized," and to support their view, they delve deeply into the world of microbes. They detail the anatomy of cells with and without nuclei, positing a process of genome ingestion that creates a new species. Surprisingly, the upshot of Margulis' theories is the rehabilitation of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, whose theory that supposedly acquired traits are hereditary has been ridiculed for 150 years. Polemical and provocative, Margulis and Sagan's work should set many to thinking that evolution has not yet been completely figured out.

by Gerald H. Pollack
Publisher: Ebner & Sons Pub
ISBN: 0962689521
This book describes how cells work. It challenges the current wisdom of cell function, and presents a new, simpler approach to fundamental processes such as movement, transport, division, and communication, based on sound physical principles. The book is profusely illustrated with many color figures. It is written for the non-expert in an accessible, often humorous style.